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10 Signs Your Roof Needs to be Inspected

Does Your Roof Need Inspection?

Your roof is one of the biggest investments you can make in your home. It protects you and your family from harsh weather conditions and reduces heating and cooling costs by providing an effective way to keep your home warm or cool. When it comes to roofing, roof inspectors play a vital role. A roof inspection is a crucial step toward the finalization of any roofing project. It is paramount to make sure that your roof is in good condition before stepping ahead with repairs and saving half of the overall cost. Roof inspections would also help you in avoiding future issues that might lead to costly repair bills.

When it comes to your home's roof, you should be proactive in maintaining its appearance. When signs of wear and tear become visible, it is time that you schedule your roof inspection to address the issues. Don't waste any more time letting the damage to your roof get worse. You might not even notice it. But you could be walking around under a roof that has serious problems. If you don't take care of them now, they'll only go from bad to worse - and that’s just scary!

What is a Roof Inspection?

Just like cars, homes, and our bodies – roofs also wear out over time. Roofs tend to get damaged by exposure to the elements, natural disasters, pests (such as termites), or from neglect. A roof inspection is critical in order for a homeowner to know the current condition of their roof. If there are any issues with the roof that need to be addressed you'll want to fix them before more costly damage occurs. 

A roof inspection is performed by a roof inspector who checks the roof for any roofing damage. A roof inspection is important because it can identify any problems before they get worse and also help your roof last longer. A roof inspection, done on a regular basis, can drastically reduce the potential for serious problems, and save hundreds or thousands of dollars in unexpected repairs. The truth is that climate can take a big toll on your home. This is why getting your roof inspected annually is important. A professional inspection will not only keep you safe but will also save you money in the long run.

Signs a Roof Inspection is Needed

If you're reading this, you're probably already thinking about getting your roof inspected. But if you haven't had it done yet, here are a few signs that your roof may need some attention:

  • Signs of leaking - If you notice signs of a roof leak in your attic, or on your ceiling and walls, it's important to act quickly to avoid further damage and costly repairs. The first thing that happens when your roof starts to leak is that the underlayment gets soaked and begins to deteriorate. This can cause structural problems in the roof deck and even rot in nearby framing members. If left untreated, this can lead to structural damage and eventually structural collapse.

  • Missing and damaged shingles - The most common signs of roof damage are missing or damaged shingles. A missing or damaged shingle can mean that water is getting into the underlying layers of your roof, which can cause rot and mold - not to mention leaks. If you notice any of these signs on your roof, it's best to have a professional come and inspect it as soon as possible! 

  • A visible separation between the roof and wall sections - This could be a sign of something more serious than just water damage. It could be an indication that you need an entirely new roof. In some cases, it could mean that there is a structural issue with your walls or foundation. If you see this kind of separation, call a professional right away for a roof inspection!
  • The ceiling is sagging - If you're noticing that you have a bit of sag in the middle of your ceiling, you may want to consider getting a professional to inspect your roof. If the roof isn't structurally sound, then it could be putting undue stress on the rest of your home's structure. And that can lead to serious problems down the road.

  • Peeling paint on the roofline - The peeling paint is a sign that moisture has gotten into the wood or shingles, and it's important to address the problem before it gets worse. T could cause rot or mold growth on the inside walls of your home. It could also mean that there are leaks in this area of your home's structure, which will cause water damage over time if left unchecked.

  • Missing or damaged flashing - Flashing is used on roofs to help prevent water from getting in and causing damage. When flashing is damaged or missing, the roof can be vulnerable to water intrusion and damage. Water intrusion can cause mold and mildew growth, which can lead to health issues for those inside the home.

  • Clogged or leaking gutters - Leaky gutters are a common problem for homeowners, but they can cause serious problems for your roof. When your gutters clog up or leak, they will allow water to back up into the eaves of your roof and seep through the shingles. This can lead to leaks in your attic, which can cause damage to your home as well as mold growth and other health issues.
  • Cracks in the asphalt or concrete decking - Asphalt and concrete decks are not only used to protect a home's roof, but they also help to prevent water from entering the house. If there are cracks in the decking, it means that water can seep through those cracks and into your home. This can lead to mold growth, which can cause health problems for you and your family.

  • Excessive growth of moss, algae, or fungus - This can be a sign that there are underlying problems with the roof. The presence of these organisms is typically a sign that there is an issue with the ventilation in your home and/or the drainage system on your property. Moss and algae growth can also be an indication of leaks, as well as rotting wood that could eventually cause the entire thing to collapse. 

  • Strange noises coming from above - When you hear strange tapping or thumping noises coming from your roof, it's time to check things out. These sounds can be caused by a number of different issues, including weather-related damage like hail or wind damage, or even more serious issues like water leaks or structural problems. If you're hearing strange noises and have any doubts about what they might be - or if you just want to know what's going on up there - ask Debonnaire Construction about having experts take a look at your roof.

Don’t Wait, Schedule an Inspection Today!

A good roof inspector will be able to tell you how much life is left in your roofing system and which areas are most at risk for damage or leaks. If there's any sign of trouble, they'll be able to recommend solutions before the trouble starts!

Don't let a roof inspection put you off - if you see one of these signs,
call Debonnaire Construction today! We're not just an experienced roofing contractor - we're also a friendly team of people who are here for you. We'll come out and give your roof a reliable and honest inspection so we can let you know if any problems need to be addressed right away. The sooner you get an inspection done, the sooner we can diagnose and fix your roof if it needs attention. Don't wait until your problem gets worse - schedule an appointment now!

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